tombomb team

Tombomb é uma marca com um estilo de vida que funciona como um movimento. A própria palavra"tombomb" vem da combinação das palavras tomboy (menina moleque) e bomba. Tombomb age unindo essas duas idéias. Uma menina moleque é pensante, atlética, inteligente, agindo certas vezes como um menino... mas na maioria das vezes não tem idéias quanto ao estilo. Já a bomba traz beleza, elegância, confiança, sensualidade... mas essas ideias encontram-se perdidas. Então tombomb as une para criar o melhor tipo de mulher. Delicada e bonita e ao mesmo tempo forte e confiante. 
Dê uma olhada em Gia. Ela está em todos os lugares. Ama saltos altos e surfa com mais destreza do que um monte de homens que já vi. E Temos a Mary. Ela esteve em concursos de beleza. O simbolo de equilíbrio, mas ama fazer exercícios, é uma excelente atleta, assim como também uma grande surfista.

No momento temos camisas, alguns acessórios, etc, por isso somos basicamente uma linha de roupas. Nós temos um concurso de garotas surf (o Tombomb Wahine Classic) que coloca as mulheres em equipes e incentiva a importância da amizade e da consciência ambiental. Nós estamos apenas começando e estamos ansiosos para trabalhar desenvolver maiores projetos. 
Keli Amaikalani Campbel

Tombomb is a lifestyle brand that sort of turned in to a movement. The word itself "tombomb" comes from combining the words tomboy and bombshell. So tombomb is a hybrid of those two ideas. A tomboy is tough, athletic, smart, boyish...but in most ideas lacks style. A bombshell is lovely, stylish, confident, sexy...but in most ideas lackstoughness. At tombomb is where they meet and have created the best kind of woman. Polished and pretty; Strong and confident.
Take a look at Gia. She's pint-sized. Loves the highest heels. And surfs with more power than a lot of men I've seen. And there's Mary. She's been in beauty pageants. The epitomy of poise, but happens to be an excellent grappler as well as surfer. 

At the moment we have tshirts, a few accessories, etc., so it's basically a clothing line. We have an all-girls' surf contest (the Tombomb Wahine Classic) that puts women on teams and encourages comaraderie and environmental awareness. We've really just scratched the surface and look forward to working on some big projects. 
Keli Amaikalani Campbell

Gia and Mary

Gya Tyese Fontany

AKA: G-Unit, The Unit, G-string, Lil-G
DOB: 10-28-85
Born: Upland, California
Resides: Kona , Big best Island of Hawaii 
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 118
Stance: Regular in the water, Goofy on Pavement
Sponsors: Tombomb
Shaper: The Groms at Banyans, I really like Akila Aipa Boards there amazing
Magic Stick: Aipa 5'5" rounded pin 
Training Ground: Banyans, all over Big Island
Favorite Wave: Old A's 
Favorite Maneuver: Barrel Riding        
Inspirations: Kelly Salter, Carissa Moore, there freaks of nature

Mary Teshima Meheula

AKA: the Queen
DOB: AUGUST 3 1985
Born: Kailua Kona Hawaii
Resides: Holualoa Hawaii
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120
Stance: Regular
Sponsors: Tombomb, Myself ; )
Shaper: I love Barron boards
Magic Stick: My blue soft top that has a dog bite on it! love that board.. i need to send you a photo!
Training Ground: Banyans
Favorite wave: Desert point indo
Favorite Maneuver: Back side slasher! off the lip uhhh!
Inspirations: All of the amazing women that surround me, my mom such a hard worker and literally a MOM to everyone! my sister she is such a perfectionist and would give you the shirt off her back if you needed it. Gia!!!! cause she's always the life of the party and fearless Leilani for never changing...the inside lol she will always be the cute lil tomboy! and just the best EVER. Keli for everything she does for the community and all of us she is AMAZING!!!! I love all of these girls and their are many more but I'm tired hehehe I love all strong independent women and don't get me wrong I love strong independent MEN too! ;)